Filming & Photography
We cover filming, editing, drone and photography.
Our owners have over 10 years in filming, the agency uses 4K, to develop and train the crew that now work for them shooting the weddings in the agency. "Our couples love the easygoing and professional approach of our crews"
Once named "Angry Chicken Media Weddings" it was one of the best and most sought out wedding agencies in Geelong & Ballarat.
Now when you're booked in at Ivory Pavilion you can receive a discount off your Photography & Videography Packages which we now named Ivory Lens. An extension of the services with Ivory Pavilion in practice with the quality and service build over 8 years capturing weddings with ACMW.
You only need to pay 50% to secure your booking with the crew and the other part is not due till your 4 week out meeting to go over everything in more detail with Alyssa.
The filming and Photography services are separate to the venue and the process slightly different so while you're dealing with Alyssa for both you will be following two processes and meetings with her guidence.
View our examples and book in our crew for your wedding when you book in the Ivory Pavilion.